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Aspiration Networks

Early Years Aspiration Networks (EYAN) are free to attend and anyone working in the Early Years is welcome to join. The networks provide valuable networking opportunities and support workforce development.

Alongside termly meetings, the networks provide access to free high-quality EY training from national and local trainers and information from current research projects. The groups also link schools and PVIs; providing valuable opportunities to explore and reflect on how EY practitioners can manage current local issues and trends.


If you are new to the networks and would like to receive more general information about being involved in the EYAN, please fill in the consent form (link below*). This will ensure you are included in all the relevant communications.

You can also contact your network lead directly for specific details on meetings in your area - see WEYH Aspiration Network Leads icon below.


Agendas for the spring term meetings will include looking at the EYFS profile data for your own locality - discussing any key themes or areas of focus. EYAN leads will also be sharing information and research on Learning Behaviours from their in-person development days with the nationally and internationally recognised early childhood specialist, Jan Dubiel.


To book on a spring term meeting in your area, please click on the relevant link through the 'Aspiration Networks Meetings' box below.


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